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Transforming Our Lives through Self Reflection and Psychology
A psychology professor's collection of lessons fostering self-discovery through online activities, hands-on classroom experiences, engaging lectures, and effective discussion prompts.
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Katie Hope Grobman

Social Psychology

Is it you or situations you find yourself in? Social contexts and our role of construal (e.g., interpretations) shape our lives and cultures.

Once upon a time, I considered a career in politics, hoping to help our society flourish. But as an American University college student (Washington, DC) I became disillusioned realizing politics cares less about solving problems and more about “solving” problems as a means to an end of power. I felt myself becoming cynical, something I’m repelled by having seen its impact on people who embrace it. I'd rather surround myself with beauty and see the world from a different angle.

Even while moving away from politics, our seemingly insurmountable, worsening social conflicts weigh on me. My first Social Psychology class flabbergasted me! We can actually study contentiousness with science. While setting aside our biases is challenging, we can minimize them, and the self-correcting nature of science gives me hope.
Two little girls of different ethnicities play with stuffed animals together.
Dear Mr. Vernon, ... we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club

Social Psychology with Katie Grobman

I teach Social Psychology (Psy-350) most Springs and we can explore how different people experience the same world. Let’s struggle with profound real-world questions, like why we typically despise being stereotyped, and yet so easily pre-judge others? Most importantly, we can be scientific with Psychology, find light as we reduce our own group polarization, and disperse the heat of dogmas - whether left, right, or otherwise.

Social Psychology Syllabus