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Transforming Our Lives through Self Reflection and Psychology
A psychology professor's collection of lessons fostering self-discovery through online activities, hands-on classroom experiences, engaging lectures, and effective discussion prompts.
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Kind of Psychology Teaching Resource

Pedagogical Research & Essays

Empirical studies, personal reflection essays, and topic-focused articles hopefully helping us teach and learn.
Teaching has been a passion of mine since I was a kid tutoring my friends, to becoming a K-12 teacher, and today as a college professor. I discovered over years while rules we learn in teacher training can be helpful, they're not set in stone. Sometimes what's 'supposed' to work, doesn't always, so I began studying learning empirically. My hero, Mister Rogers, experienced a similar revelation during his own journey creating Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. As a seminary student, he'd visit churches to learn from experienced preachers. Once he saw a substitute preacher who didn't impress him. Fred's mind raced through a list of mistakes and missed opportunities. Ready to share his critique, he looked to his friend and saw her with tears streaming down her face. "He said exactly what I needed to hear." Fred realized she came seeking help, while he came with judgment. What makes us powerful educators isn't following rules expertly, but connecting with our students' hearts. While I know rules and research, I try to teach from my intuition, and I try writing personal reflections to maybe help others find their own art in their classrooms too.
Fred Rogers with his trolley.
My Hero, Fred Rogers
The anecdote I mention comes from Amy Hollingsworth's conversations with Mister Rogers in her book, The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers.
I'm trying to tell you something 'bout my life; Maybe give me insight between black and white; And the best thing you ever done for me; Is to help me take my life less seriously ...; Well, darkness has a hunger that's insatiable; And lightness has a call that's hard to hear; And I wrap my fear around me like a blanket; I sailed my ship of safety till I sank it ...
Indigo Girls, Closer to Fine

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Template of an Item
Here is a description of the item. Probably write about two sentences so it's clear to visitors what the item is and they can decide if to click into it. This is about the maximum length.

Category within Class

Template of an Item
Here is a description of the item. Probably write about two sentences so it's clear to visitors what the item is and they can decide if to click into it. This is about the maximum length.
Notes for Teachers, with legend:
Among the many materials are pedagogical research (labelled 🍎), personal essays I wrote reflecting about teaching (✒️), and reference documents (📖) like handouts and how to guides. I hope some materials help you!