Be Well Line provides ongoing confidential culturally-sensitive emotional support to anybody in California with counselors and virtual support groups; they're expressly not a crisis line.
Crisis Text Line offers 24/7 confidential support if you’re feeling any painful emotions in a moment (i.e., not just suicidal) with trained Crisis Counselor volunteers.
Substance Use & Mental Health Treatment Centers with a US Health & Human Services search engine. The
California Department of Health Care and
CalHope provide assistance finding mental health care, physical care, and more. The
Open Path Collective helps people in financial need still find therapy and
Inclusive Therapist helps people find mental health care with providers who share our identities.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (dial 988) helps with free confidential support 24/7 providing help to anybody in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you & your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Teens in crisis might prefer talking with trained volunteer teens as counselors through the national
Teen Line and the
California Youth Crisis Line. LGBTQ+ persons might like talking with the
LGBT National Talkline or the
Trevor Project for queer youth. Veterans might choose talking with qualified caring professions of the
Dept of Veterans Affairs Veterans Crisis Line. But any crisis line will help you regardless of who you are.
HELPING SOMEBODY ELSE? Are you worried about someone who is maybe having suicidal thoughts?
Know the Signs because pain isn't always obvious, even though there are usually subtle signs. Please assume you're the only person reaching out. It's natural to be a bystander and your caring voice means more than you may ever know. It's okay to ask directly if somebody is considering suicide, but speak with them as privately as possible. Just listen to their experiences. Share how you care about them. Avoid debating the value of life and don't minimize their problems. Generally advice isn't helpful, but encourage them to get help (e.g., crisis line, therapist, doctor). Learn more ways you can help with
Talk Away the Dark. Maybe even take a free
Mental Health First Aid class; I have. And I have a semicolon pin on my school backpack; I'm grateful I chose to continue.
Learn more about mental illness with a focus on teens and young adults with
Mental Health is Health and
Reach Out. Address the stigma of mental illness California’s
Each Mind Matters and Monterey County’s
National Alliance on Mental Illness.
The American Psychological Association (APA) offers
mental health primers to help teachers help their students with issues like stress, anxiety, depression, anxiety, bullying, trauma, and more.
You@CSUMB offers free, confidential tools to help with physical and mental health, including screeners and links to local resources. It can be really hard to notice we have mental health challenges. Because however we experience things, especially when we live with it, it just feels normal. Screening tools are especially useful ways to recognize we might need help. They're not a diagnosis, but they're stepping stones nudging us to notice.
MentalHealth and
PMHealthNP offer free screening tools.
SELF-HELP! I've gone to therapy and I personally highly recommend it. But it can be hard, emotionally (e.g., stigma) and practically (e.g., finding affordable options). You might start with self-help resources, and continue using them even if you do have a therapist. The
Australian Centre for Clinical Interventions provides free Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) workbooks & handouts about depression, anxiety, assertiveness, procrastination, & body image. If you'd like a comprehensive readable book with practical self-help exercises, I recommend Matthew McKay’s
Messages: The Communication Handbook (used copies of earlier editions are available online for about $4). If you'd like to find insight into why and how you're struggling, I personally recommend Brianna Wiest's
The Mountain is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery (which is harder to buy used since it was published in 2020).