Copernican Revolution . org
Transforming Our Lives through Self Reflection and Psychology
A psychology professor's collection of lessons fostering self-discovery through online activities, hands-on classroom experiences, engaging lectures, and effective discussion prompts.
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Class-Specific Teaching Resources

Introductory Psychology

Introductory Psychology class online activities, hands-on classroom experiences, engaging lectures, and effective discussion prompts.
I absolutely love introducing psychology to students and bringing them into our field! We see how everything in psychology can help us deeply understand ourselves, both personally and scientifically. It's a challenge for me too because it's so easy to have our field fall into disparate pieces with nothing to do with each other. But within every topic, I try to interweave themes of our development, the role of culture, and the brain, and how mental health matters.
It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey ponders handling bank run while seeking guidance from his dad, whose epitath reads, "All you can take with you is that which you've given away."
It's a Wonderful Life
All you can take with you is that which you've given away.
The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. ... Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor Frankl (Holocaust survivor), Man's Search for Meaning

Class Organization & Handouts

Introductory Psychology Syllabus
An Introductory Psychology syllabus I wrote with sample integration of Copernican Revolution activities. I invested in writing every section and designing policies to be affirm each students path and pull them into the class with intrinsic motivation.

Category within Class

Template of an Item
Here is a description of the item. Probably write about two sentences so it's clear to visitors what the item is and they can decide if to click into it. This is about the maximum length.
Attachment Styles - Getting Stuck in Unhelpful Boxes
Teach and learn about Attachment Styles, and especially how we get stuck reenacting unhelpful patterns based on John Bowlby's concept of canalization, a kind of confirmation bias.
What Do We Owe Each Other? A discussion of Carol Gilligan's Ethics of Care.
Discussion lesson of Kohlberg's Heinz dilemma and Gilligan's In a Different Voice to appreciate debate in moral psychology and learn some psychology of gender.
Notes for Teachers, with legend:
I hope you find something helpful for your classes! ~ Katie

self-reflection online activities
πŸ“ˆ individual differences:
🎨 demonstrate concept in action
πŸ’™ sensitive

engaging classroom experiences
πŸ”οΈ individual hands-on learning.
πŸ’¬ class-wide discussion:
🧩 breakout groups:
πŸ€” engaging lecture (e.g., vivid examples)

pedagogical research & essays.
βœ’οΈ personal essay reflections about teaching
πŸ“– reference documents (e.g., handouts, how to guides)