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Psychology Humor about Ethics Boards

Ethics reviews are profoundly important to stop harm in the name of science, but scientists get frustrated by the bureaucracy, resulting in IRB jokes.

When scientists study people, our studies are reviewed to make sure they're ethical. It's important because there are serious examples where people were hurt in the name of scientific progress.

But over years, many scientists have gotten frustrated about guidelines they feel are more like rules for rule's sake rather than about protecting participants.

So in their frustration, scientists make jokes like these!
Alex P Keaton (Michael J Fox) in study of overachieves by Lauren (Courtney Cox).
Family Ties
Alex falls for psychology major Lauren while participating in her thesis study of over-achievers.
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar WIlde

Cross Joke

What do you get if you cross an octopus with a hamster?

A sternly worded letter from the Research Ethics committee.

Attributed to Jess Amina

Experiments Failing IRB Review

From the Minutes of the Ethical Review Committee:

Hippocampus in Learning and Memory
Experiment proposal #: 1145
Investigator: Dr. --------
Status: DENIED
Description: We hope to investigate the role of the hippocampus in learning and memory. Participants from the university community will receive accute lesioning, performed by qualified medical experts,in their left hippocampal regions. Following surgery, participants will be tested on several verbal and spatial working memory tasks, which will be compared to pre-surgery performance.
Reviewers Comments: Although this study could potentially aid the progress of science in ways thay can only now be imagined, we must reject the proposal on ethical grounds. You have neglected an important aspect of experiments such as these: the post-experimental debriefing. Participants leaving your experiment are likely to face issues dealing with their experiences that you have not foreseen. We encourage you to resubmit your proposal with a debriefing protocol, and suggest it includes providing a licensed psychotherapist to participants, to aid in assimilation to the community.

Reactions to Violence
Experiment proposal #: 1153
Investigator: Dr. --------
Status: DENIED
Description: This experiment involves investigating how humans respond to simulated and actual physical violence. Naive participants will be recruited from the Introductory Psychology Course, as partial fullfillment of course requirements. On one day, participants will be exposed to realistic computer games involving bludgeoning and painful injury. The next day, the same participants will witness actual bludgeoning and painful injury (in a counterbalanced fashion.) Following each session, several personality tests will be administered.
Reviewers Comments: It is against University policy to allow Intro. Psych. recruits to take part in multiple-session experiments. Although this study could aid the progress of science in ways that can not be imagined, we reject the request and encourage re-submission once these concerns are addressed.

Learning Musical Motor Skills
Experiment proposal #: 1156
Investigator: Dr. --------
Status: DENIED
Description: In this study, we will examine the ability of subjects to learn simple motor skills while exposed to one of two musical genres: Baroque or Hip-Hop. Subjects will be paid for their time.
Reviewers Comments: Although this research has the potential to advance the march of science in ways thay can only be dreamt, per APA guideline 4533/a34; "...all paid and unpaid volunteers must be referred to as 'participants'." Due to your callous lack of respect for our most valuable resource; these vital collaborators in the research mileau, we reject your request but encourage resubmission once you have come to terms with your unfortunate prejudices.

Dual-Choice Reaction-Time in Chimpanzee
Experiment proposal #: 1162
Dr. --------
Status: DENIED
Description: We propose to study the ability of the African Chimpanzee to learn and perform the so-called PRP task, a dual-choice reaction-time task. We will vary both stimulus and response numerosity to discover if Man's evolutionary cousin also uses a Response-selection Bottleneck to perform accurately.
Reviewers Comments: Although this experiment has the potential to expand the horizons of human knowledge and help advance science, we must reject your proposal because the task you describe is undoubtedly incredibly and painfully boring. Inhumane treatment of animals is reprehensible, and would not reflect well upon our institution. Resubmission of a similar experiment is not advised.

Replicating Milgram's Obediance Studies
Experiment proposal #: 1171
Investigator: Dr. --------
Status: DENIED
Description: We plan to replicate and extend S. Milgram's obediance experiments in a cross-cultural setting. Non-native University students will serve as the "Instructers", while either another non-native or native-born experimental accomplice serves as "Learning Subject". Instructers will administer what they believe to be shocks to the accomplices whenever an error in learning is made. We will investigate how obedient these participants are to the wishes of an authority figure, the experimenter.
Reviewers Comments: This experiment has the potential to alter the way we think about authority, and lead to scientific advancements that can only now be hoped for. However, we must reject this proposal due to its use of deception. It is unacceptable to tell the "Instructer" that he or she is shocking the accomplice, and then fail to deliver this shock. This is unnecessarily deceptive. We encourage resubmission after you develop procedures and apparati that allow this deception to be avoided.

attributed to Dan Horn, Shane Mueller, Jennifer Glass, Paul Hamilton, & Heather Pond, University of Michigan, Happy Hour

How many IRB members does it take to screw in a light bulb?

As documented in 45 CFR 46.107(a), this review board must consist of five or more members, and at least one of these members must possess a background in Electrical Engineering. In addition, at least one of the members must come from a home without any electricity. Any member of the IRB who owns stock in an electrical utility or who regularly pays bills to an electrical utility should recuse themselves from participation in the review of this research.

If the bulb should burn too brightly, burn too dimly, or flicker, then an adverse event report should be sent to the IRB (21 CFR 312.32). If the light bulb is dropped, then a serious adverse event report should be sent to the FDA by telephone or by facsimile transmission no later than seven calendar days after the sponsor's initial receipt of the information.

If this is a multi-center light bulb trial, then a data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) may be needed (NIH Policy for Data and Safety Monitoring, June 10, 1998,, accessed on October 9, 2002). The DSMB should review any adverse event reports and interim results. If the clinical equipoise of the light bulb is lost, then the DSMB should terminate the study and provide all previously recruited light bulbs with the best available light bulb socket.

In order to maintain scientific integrity, the use of a placebo socket may be necessary. The placebo socket should have the same taste, appearance, and smell of a regular socket and the fact that this socket has no electricity should be hidden from the light bulb and from the person screwing in the light bulb. According to the 2000 revision of the Declaration of Helsinki, paragraph 29, the use of placebo sockets is acceptable where no proven prophylactic, diagnostic, or therapeutic socket exists.

A systematic review of all previous research into light bulbs must be presented so that the IRB can determine, per 45 CFR 46.11(a)(2), that the risks to the light bulb are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits. The IRB should also insure that the selection of light bulbs is equitable (45 CFR 46.11(a)(3)). If the light bulb has less than 18 watts of power, then additional requirements (45 CFR 46.401 through 409) apply.

The IRB must insure that an informed consent document be prepared in language that the light bulb understands (45 CFR 46.116). This document should explain the expected duration of the light bulb's participation in the research, any reasonably foreseeable risks, and the extent to which the confidentiality of the light bulb will be maintained. This document should also emphasize that participation is voluntary and the light bulb can withdraw itself from the socket at any time without any penalty or loss of benefits.

attributed to Dr Mean, Children's Mercy Hospital and Clinic