Prior to an operation, a reversible transformation, children need to agree there's the same amount in both identical glasses. In video 1, a little girl completes a Conservation of Liquid task. Though we don't see this girl doing so, it's very common for children to quibble having you ever so slight pour back and forth until they agree the two glasses are the same.
Recognizing the glass have the same amount, the experimenter does the operation (pouring). The experimenter draws attention to what she's doing and narrates, "Now watch what I do; I'm pouring all the water in this glass into this one." In this version of Conservation of Liquid, the experimenter pours into a taller thinner glass, but the task works just as well pouring to a shorter fatter glass. After pouring, the experimenter asks the exact same question as before. Being very precise, she asks, "Does this glass have more (gesture to a glass), does this glass have more (gesture to other glass), or do they have the same amount?"
In video 1, the girls fails the Conservation of Liquid task, so she has not achieved concrete operational thought yet. She is still preoperational in her thinking. Regardless of children's choice, the experimenter asks why. Children with preoperational thought answer with by describing an appearance along a single dimension just like this girl says, "it's taller."
Video 1 continues with a Conservation of Number task - two rows of trinkets (quarters) are laid with identical spacing and lines with each other. I like showing this task because it most closely resembles the college student version. The transformation in this video spreads the quarters of a row but the task works just as well with the operation of "crunching" being the operation rather than "spreading." Notice every operation is reversible; there's always an inverse like crunching undoes spreading, just like subtracting undoes adding. I love this video because the girls knows how to count, knows counting is how you find out, and knows five and five are the same. Yet when the experimenter spreads the quarters, she focuses entirely on the dimension of how long the line is.
The third task is a fun extra, not a standard Piaget task, but it makes the point again. Sometimes students are skeptical and believe the effect is purely about knowing definitions like "more." But real life versions like this one show it's not about the language. Preoperational children genuinely think differently.
A common misunderstanding of college students is what passing and failing mean. The task measures concrete operational thinking but we only use it at the beginning of the stage. We're trying to find when the previous stage ends. Failing means the child is still pre-operational.
Notice the girl fails all three tasks. That's consistent with Piaget's idea of a global shifting of stages. Children should respond to very different looking concrete operational tasks in the same way. Once children succeed at one task (often number), they experience horizontal décalage - passing the other tasks follows in the near future as the child grasps particulars. But right now, in all three tasks the girl does centration - focusing on a single dimension while ignoring any other dimensions. She focuses on height, length, and number respectively. But she misses width, spacing, and area respectively. But being able to think with concrete operations means being able to understand situations have many dimensions.